I couldn’t imagine not having art in my life.
It’s something that’s always been a part of me

About Heidi

I am a semi abstract painter working from my garden studio in rural Lincolnshire.

My love of art and creativity began at an early age winning many art competitions before completing a foundation course at Lincoln Art College followed by an Honours Degree in Textiles from Manchester Met University.

My style captures the emotion and atmosphere of nature - the sea, the sky, stormy clouds and wild landscapes feature in my work. A lifetime love of colour and texture, I mainly work in acrylic but often use mixed media to enhance the artwork.

After my degree I embarked on a varied artistic career from colour mixing in a textile studio to running my own successful online card and print company

In 2020 when the pandemic hit, I had to make some big changes in my life and I rekindled my love of painting.
My work recently featured in The Artist magazine and I was a semi finalist in The Artist lounge competition 50 Shades of Red run by The Kinghouse Gallery.

I am now also an artist with the beautiful Whistlefish Gallery in Cornwall https://whistlefish.com/collections/heidi-clawson

I live with my wonderfully supportive husband, two lovely sons, 3 rabbits and a cat called Betty

“Art enables us to find ourselves and
lose ourselves at the same time” - Thomas Merton